M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, R. Bogdanov, E. Puchkova, A. Titov, A. Yadollahi
On the issue of comparing the immobilization characteristics of matrix materials based on Nb--Ta--Ti-oxides of the types AB$_2$O$_6$ and AB$_2$O$_7$
П.А. Хадеева, В.М. Шахова, Ю.В. Ломачук, Н.С. Мосягин, Л.В. Скрипников, А.В. Титов
Квантово-химическое исследование электронной структуры галогенидов иттербия
M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, R.V. Bogdanov, A.V. Titov, E.V. Fomin, M. Samadfam, M. Outokesh
The tendency towards equalization of the $^{234}$U/$^{238}$U isotopic activity ratios in fractions of U(IV) and U(VI) during thermal annealing of metamict polycrase
A.V. Malyshev, Y.S. Kozhedub, V.M. Shabaev, I.I. Tupitsyn
QED calculations of intra-$L$-shell singly excited states in Be-like ions
N.K. Dulaev, D.A. Telnov, V.M. Shabaev, Y.S. Kozhedub, I.A. Maltsev, R.V. Popov, I.I. Tupitsyn
Angular and energy distributions of positrons created in subcritical and supercritical slow collisions of heavy nuclei
V.M. Shabaev
Quantum Electrodynamics Effects in Atoms and Molecules
I.I. Tupitsyn, I.M. Savelyev, Y.S. Kozhedub, D.A. Telnov, N.K. Dulaev, A.V. Malyshev, E.A. Prokhorchuk, V.M. Shabaev
Orbital collapse and dual states of the $5g$ electrons in superheavy elements
D.P. Usov, Y.S. Kozhedub, V.V. Meshkov, A.V. Stolyarov, N.K. Dulaev, A.M. Ryzhkov, I.M. Savelyev, V.M. Shabaev, I.I. Tupitsyn
Ground-state potential and dipole moment of carbon monoxide: Contributions from electronic correlation, relativistic effects, QED, adiabatic correction, and nonadiabatic correction
A.V. Malyshev, E.A. Prokhorchuk, V.M. Shabaev
Convergence-acceleration approach to partial-wave expansion of two-electron self-energy contributions to the Lamb shift
D.A. Telnov, N.K. Dulaev, Y.S. Kozhedub, I.A. Maltsev, R.V. Popov, I.I. Tupitsyn, V.M. Shabaev
Positron Supercritical Resonances and Spontaneous Positron Creation in Slow Collisions of Heavy Nuclei
Yu.A. Demidov, A.A. Shalaevsky, A.V. Oleynichenko, A.A. Rusakov
Uncovering chemical homology of superheavy elements: a close look at astatine
T. Isaev, A.V. Oleynichenko, D. Makinskii, A. Zaitsevskii
Optical cycling in charged complexes with Ra–N bonds
A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, E. Eliav
Finite-order method to calculate approximate density matrices in the Fock-space multireference coupled cluster theory
M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, S.G. Wilkins, P. Lass\`egues, L. Lalanne, J.R. Reilly, O. Ahmad, M. Au, S.W. Bai, J. Berbalk, C. Bernerd, A. Borschevsky, A.A. Breier, K. Chrysalidis, T.E. Cocolios, R.P. de Groote, C.M. Fajardo-Zambrano, K.T. Flanagan, S. Franchoo, R.F.G. Ruiz, D. Hanstorp, R. Heinke, P. Imgram, \. Koszor\'us, A.A. Kyuberis, J. Lim, Y.C. Liu, K.M. Lynch, A. McGlone, W.C. Mei, G. Neyens, L. Nies, A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Raggio, S. Rothe, L.V. Skripnikov, E. Smets, B. van den Borne, J. Warbinek, J. Wessolek, X.F. Yang
Radiative lifetime of the $A$ $^{2}\mathrm{{\Pi}}_{1/2}$ state in RaF with relevance to laser cooling
B.K. Sahoo, S. Blundell, A.V. Oleynichenko, R.F.G. Ruiz, L.V. Skripnikov, B. Ohayon
Recent advancements in atomic many-body methods for high-precision studies of isotope shifts
A.V. Oleynichenko, Y.V. Lomachuk, D.A. Maltsev, N.S. Mosyagin, V.M. Shakhova, A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov
Compound-tunable embedding potential method to model local electronic excitations on $f$-element ions in solids: Pilot relativistic coupled cluster study of Ce and Th impurities in yttrium orthophosphate, ${\mathrm{YPO}}_{4}$
M.G. Kozlov, A.V. Oleynichenko, D. Budker, D.A. Glazov, Y.V. Lomachuk, V.M. Shabaev, A.V. Titov, I.I. Tupitsyn, A.V. Volotka
Excitation of the $^{229}\mathrm{Th}$ nucleus by a hole in the inner electronic shells
L.V. Skripnikov, S.D. Prosnyak, A.V. Malyshev, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, A.J. Brinson, K. Minamisono, F.C.P. Cruz, J.R. Reilly, B.J. Rickey, R.F.G. Ruiz
Isotope-shift factors with quantum electrodynamics effects for many-electron systems: A study of the nuclear charge radius of $^{26m}\mathrm{Al}$
S.D. Prosnyak, L.V. Skripnikov
Axion-mediated electron-nucleus and electron-electron interactions in the barium monofluoride molecule
K. Konig, J.C. Berengut, A. Borschevsky, A. Brinson, B.A. Brown, A. Dockery, S. Elhatisari, E. Eliav, R.F.G. Ruiz, J.D. Holt, B. Hu, J. Karthein, D. Lee, Yu. Ma, U. Mei\ss{}ner, K. Minamisono, A.V. Oleynichenko, S.V. Pineda, S.D. Prosnyak, M.L. Reitsma, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Vernon, A. Zaitsevskii
Nuclear Charge Radii of Silicon Isotopes
L.V. Skripnikov, A.E. Barzakh
Reexamination of nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of polonium isotopes
Z. Yue, A.N. Andreyev, A.E. Barzakh, I.N. Borzov, J.G. Cubiss, A. Algora, M. Au, M. Balogh, S. Bara, R.A. Bark, C. Bernerd, M.J.G. Borge, D. Brugnara, K. Chrysalidis, T.E. Cocolios, H. De Witte, Z. Favier, L.M. Fraile, H.O.U. Fynbo, A. Gottardo, R. Grzywacz, R. Heinke, A. Illana, P.M. Jones, D.S. Judson, A. Korgul, U. Köster, M. Labiche, L. Le, R. Lica, M. Madurga, N. Marginean, B. Marsh, C. Mihai, E. Nácher, C. Neacsu, C. Nita, B. Olaizola, J.N. Orce, C.A.A. Page, R.D. Page, J. Pakarinen, P. Papadakis, G. Penyazkov, A. Perea, M. Piersa-Siłkowska, Z. Podolyák, S.D. Prosnyak, E. Reis, S. Rothe, M. Sedlak, L.V. Skripnikov, C. Sotty, S. Stegemann, O. Tengblad, S.V. Tolokonnikov, J.M. Udías, P. Van Duppen, N. Warr, W. Wojtaczka
Magnetic moments of thallium isotopes in the vicinity of magic N = 126
S. Jackson, L. Kim, A. Biekert, A. Nguyen, R.J. Mawhorter, T.J. Sears, L.V. Skripnikov, V.V. Baturo, A.N. Petrov, J. Grabow
Rotational and near-infrared spectra of PbF: Characterization of the coupled ${X}_{1}$ $^{2}\mathrm{{\Pi}}_{1/2}$ and ${X}_{2}$ $^{2}\mathrm{{\Pi}}_{3/2}$ states
A. Petrov
Electric-field-dependent $g$ factors of a YbOH molecule
A. Petrov
Electronic matrix elements for parity doubling in the YbOH molecule
G. Arrowsmith-Kron, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, J. Ballof, R. Berger, A. Borschevsky, A.A. Breier, F. Buchinger, D. Budker, L. Caldwell, C. Charles, N. Dattani, R.P.d. Groote, D. DeMille, T. Dickel, J. Dobaczewski, C.E. Düllmann, E. Eliav, J. Engel, M. Fan, V. Flambaum, K.T. Flanagan, A.N. Gaiser, R.F.G. Ruiz, K. Gaul, T.F. Giesen, J.S.M. Ginges, A. Gottberg, G. Gwinner, R. Heinke, S. Hoekstra, J.D. Holt, N.R. Hutzler, A. Jayich, J. Karthein, K.G. Leach, K.W. Madison, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, T. Miyagi, I.D. Moore, S. Moroch, P. Navratil, W. Nazarewicz, G. Neyens, E.B. Norrgard, N. Nusgart, L.F. Pašteka, A.N. Petrov, W.R. Plaß, R.A. Ready, M.P. Reiter, M. Reponen, S. Rothe, M.S. Safronova, C. Scheidenerger, A. Shindler, J.T. Singh, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, S. Udrescu, S.G. Wilkins, X. Yang
Opportunities for fundamental physics research with radioactive molecules
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, V.A. Klemeshev
1H,4H-1,4-diborabuckminsterfullerene with pyridine molecules and ytterbium endo-atom
K.N. Lyashchenko, O.Yu. Andreev, D. Yu
Two-photon electron capture by H-like uranium
{.А. Данилов, {.А. Аникин, {.А. Глазов, Е. Корзинин, {.А. Котов, {.А. Соловьев
Адиабатические потенциалы квазимолекулярных ионов H−p, He + −p: релятивистский подход
A. Anikin, A. Danilov, D. Glazov, A. Kotov, D. Solovyev
Effect of antiprotons on hydrogen-like ions in external magnetic fields
T. Zalialiutdinov, Y. Demidov, D. Solovyev
Blackbody-radiation vibrational level shifts in the ground electronic state of ${\mathrm{N}}_{2}^{+}$
T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Solovyev
Long-range interaction of hydrogen atoms at finite temperatures
Т.А. Залялютдинов, В.К. Дубрович, Д.А. Соловьев
D. Solovyev, A. Anikin, T. Zalialiutdinov, L. Labzowsky
Impact of quantum interference in cascade radiation on the absorption profile
D. Solovyev, A. Anikin, A. Danilov, D. Glazov, A. Kotov
Light one-electron molecular ions within the finite-basis-set method for the two-center Dirac equation
D. Solovyev, T. Zalialiutdinov, A. Anikin, L. Labzowsky
Multiphoton quantum interference in precision spectroscopic experiments
A. Anikin, T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Solovyev
Natural line profile asymmetry
T. Zalialiutdinov, Y. Kozhedub, D. Solovyev
Thermal contribution to measured g-factors in alkali atoms
D. Solovyev, T. Zalialiutdinov
Radiative corrections to the level width in the presence of magnetic field
T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Solovyev
Combined two-loop self-energy corrections at finite and zero temperatures
A. Anikin, A. Danilov, D. Glazov, A. Kotov, D. Solovyev
Light antiproton one-electron quasi-molecular ions within the relativistic A-DKB method
D.A. Maltsev, Yu.V. Lomachuk, V.M. Shakhova, N.S. Mosyagin, D.O. Kozina, A.V. Titov
Electronic structure study of YNbTiO$_6$ vs. CaNb$_2$O$_6$ with U, Pu and minor actinide substitutions using compound-tunable embedding potential method
A.V. Oleynichenko, A.V. Zaitsevskii, S.V. Kondratyev, E. Eliav
Direct calculation of transition matrix elements in relativistic coupled cluster theory
A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, N.S. Mosyagin, A.N. Petrov, E. Eliav, A.V. Titov
LIBGRPP: A Library for the Evaluation of Molecular Integrals of the Generalized Relativistic Pseudopotential Operator over Gaussian Functions
A. Petrov
Numerical evaluation of systematics in the experiment for electron electric dipole moment measurement in ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Revisiting the $\mathcal{T},\mathcal{P}$-odd spin-rotational Hamiltonian of ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$ for precise electron-electric-dipole-moment measurements
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, V.A. Klemeshev
Electronic State of Arsenic endo-Atom and Indices of Interatomic Bonds in [As@Ni12As20]3--/0, As20, Ni12As20, As@C60, and As@C70 Clusters
M.E. Bedrina, S.G. Semenov, M.V. Suyasova, V.P. Sedov, A.V. Titov
Highly Hydroxylated Buckminsterfullerene Complexes with an Endohedral Iodide Anion
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, T.A. Andreeva, A.V. Titov
Spin-tautomery of endohedral Y@C60 complex
I.A. Maltsev, D.A. Tumakov, R.V. Popov, V.M. Shabaev
Relativistic Stark energies of hydrogenlike ions
R.V. Popov, V.M. Shabaev, I.A. Maltsev, D.A. Telnov, N.K. Dulaev, D.A. Tumakov
Spontaneous vacuum decay in low-energy collisions of heavy nuclei beyond the monopole approximation
V.A. Zaytsev, M.E. Groshev, I.A. Maltsev, A.V. Durova, V.M. Shabaev
Calculation of the moscovium ground-state energy by quantum algorithms
В.В. Мешков, Е.А. Пазюк, А.В. Столяров, Д.П. Усов, А.М. Рыжков, И.М. Савельев, Ю.С. Кожедуб, Н.С. Мосягин, В.М. Шабаев
Ab initio -реконструкция межатомного потенциала для основного электронного состояния молекулы CO
Н.К. Дулаев, М.Ю. Кайгородов, А.В. Малышев, И.И. Тупицын, В.М. Шабаев
Релятивистские расчеты энергий низко возбужденных состояний 1sns, 1snp, 1snd и вероятностей однофотонных переходов 1snl -> 1sn'l' в гелиеподобном ионе урана
A.V. Malyshev, Y.S. Kozhedub, V.M. Shabaev
Ab initio calculations of the $2{p}_{3/2}{\rightarrow}2s$ transition in He-, Li-, and Be-like uranium
I.M. Savelyev, M.Y. Kaygorodov, Y.S. Kozhedub, A.V. Malyshev, I.I. Tupitsyn, V.M. Shabaev
Ground state of superheavy elements with $120{\le}Z{\le}170$: Systematic study of the electron-correlation, Breit, and QED effects
И.И. Тупицын, И.М. Савельев, Ю.С. Кожедуб, М.Ю. Кайгородов, Д.А. Глазов, Н.K. Дулаев, А.В. Малышев, В.М. Шабаев
Орбитальный коллапс 5g-электронов в сверхтяжелых элементах 8-го периода
И.М. Савельев, М.Ю. Кайгородов, Ю.С. Кожедуб, И.И. Тупицын, В.М. Шабаев
Расчеты разности энергий связи многозарядных ионов Ho и Dy
S.D. Chekhovskoi, D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, L.N. Labzowsky
Possible experiment on the observation of the $\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect in intracavity absorption spectroscopy: Statistics and systematic errors
I. Kurchavov, D. Maison, L. Skripnikov, M. Grau, A. Petrov
Nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment of $^{175}\mathrm{Lu}$ and parity-violating polarization degree of levels in $^{175}\mathrm{Lu}{\text{OH}}^{+}$
D.V. Chubukov, I.A. Aleksandrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov
Progress toward the $\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect: Light absorption by atoms briefly interacting with a laser beam
J.G. Cubiss, A.N. Andreyev, A.E. Barzakh, P. Van Duppen, S. Hilaire, S. P\'eru, S. Goriely, M. Al Monthery, N.A. Althubiti, B. Andel, S. Antalic, D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, T.E. Cocolios, T. Day Goodacre, A. de Roubin, G.J. Farooq-Smith, D.V. Fedorov, V.N. Fedosseev, D.A. Fink, L.P. Gaffney, L. Ghys, R.D. Harding, M. Huyse, N. Imai, D.T. Joss, S. Kreim, D. Lunney, K.M. Lynch, V. Manea, B.A. Marsh, Y. Martinez Palenzuela, P.L. Molkanov, D. Neidherr, G.G. O'Neill, R.D. Page, S.D. Prosnyak, M. Rosenbusch, R.E. Rossel, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, M.D. Seliverstov, S. Sels, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Stott, C. Van Beveren, E. Verstraelen, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, K. Zuber
Deformation versus Sphericity in the Ground States of the Lightest Gold Isotopes
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, N.S. Mosyagin, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, G. Neyens
Ab initio study of electronic states and radiative properties of the AcF molecule
S.D. Prosnyak, D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov
Updated Constraints on $\mathcal{T}$,$\mathcal{P}$-Violating Axionlike-Particle-Mediated Electron–Electron and Electron–Nucleus Interactions from HfF+ Experiment
J.W. Blanchard, D. Budker, D. DeMille, M.G. Kozlov, L.V. Skripnikov
Using parity-nonconserving spin-spin coupling to measure the Tl nuclear anapole moment in a TlF molecular beam
G. Penyazkov, S.D. Prosnyak, A.E. Barzakh, L.V. Skripnikov
Refined theoretical values of field and mass isotope shifts in thallium to extract charge radii of Tl isotopes
G. Arrowsmith-Kron, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, J. Ballof, R. Berger, A. Borschevsky, A.A. Breier, F. Buchinger, D. Budker, L. Caldwell, C. Charles, N. Dattani, R.P.d. Groote, D. DeMille, T. Dickel, J. Dobaczewski, C.E. Düllmann, E. Eliav, J. Engel, M. Fan, V. Flambaum, K.T. Flanagan, A. Gaiser, R.G. Ruiz, K. Gaul, T.F. Giesen, J. Ginges, A. Gottberg, G. Gwinner, R. Heinke, S. Hoekstra, J.D. Holt, N.R. Hutzler, A. Jayich, J. Karthein, K.G. Leach, K. Madison, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, T. Miyagi, I.D. Moore, S. Moroch, P. Navrátil, W. Nazarewicz, G. Neyens, E. Norrgard, N. Nusgart, L.F. Pašteka, A.N. Petrov, W. Plass, R.A. Ready, M.P. Reiter, M. Reponen, S. Rothe, M. Safronova, C. Scheidenberger, A. Shindler, J.T. Singh, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, S. Udrescu, S.G. Wilkins, X. Yang
Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules
A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Oleynichenko, E. Eliav
Theoretical molecular spectroscopy of actinide compounds: the ThO molecule
H. Sinenka, Yu. Bruyakin, A. Zaitsevskii, T. Isaev, A.V. Bochenkova
Zwitterions Functionalized by Optical Cycling Centers: Toward Laser-Coolable Polyatomic Molecular Cations
V.A. Knyazeva, K.N. Lyashchenko, M. Zhang, D. Yu, O.Yu. Andreev
Investigation of two-photon $2s{\rightarrow}1s$ decay in one-electron and one-muon ions
S.D. Chekhovskoi, D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, L.N. Labzowsky
Atomic-level-mixing contribution to the $\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect as an enhancement factor in the search for $\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd interactions in nature
T. Isaev, D. Makinskii, A. Zaitsevskii
Radium-containing molecular cations amenable for laser cooling
I. Kurchavov, A. Petrov
$\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd energy shifts of the $^{173}\mathrm{YbOH}$ molecule
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov
Static electric dipole moment of the francium atom induced by axionlike particle exchange
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, G. Penyazkov, M. Grau, A.N. Petrov
$\mathcal{T},\mathcal{P}$-odd effects in the ${\mathrm{LuOH}}^{+}$ cation
M.Y. Kaygorodov, D.P. Usov, E. Eliav, Y.S. Kozhedub, A.V. Malyshev, A.V. Oleynichenko, V.M. Shabaev, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, I.I. Tupitsyn, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Ionization potentials and electron affinities of Rg, Cn, Nh, and Fl superheavy elements
V. Krumins, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, A.V. Oleynichenko, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Zaitsevskii, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, A. Pashov
The a3Σ+ state of KCs revisited: hyperfine structure analysis and potential refinement
A.V. Oleynichenko, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Zaitsevskii, V.V. Flambaum
Laser-coolable ${\mathrm{AcOH}}^{+}$ ion for $\mathcal{CP}$-violation searches
A. Petrov, A. Zakharova
Sensitivity of the YbOH molecule to $\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}$-odd effects in an external electric field
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, T.A. Andreeva, A.V. Titov
Hydroxylated buckminsterfullerene complexes with endohedral europium atom
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, V.A. Klemeshev, A.V. Titov
Quantum chemical modeling of electron‐deficient hollow Tl$_k$Pb$_{12–k}$ and Tl$_k$Bi$_{20–k}$ shells and related endohedral complexes (k= 1; 2)
V.M. Shakhova, D.A. Maltsev, Yu.V. Lomachuk, N.S. Mosyagin, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Compound-tunable embedding potential method: analysis of pseudopotentials for Yb in YbF2, YbF3, YbCl2 and YbCl3 crystals
L.V. Skripnikov, S.D. Prosnyak
Refined nuclear magnetic dipole moment of rhenium: $^{185}\mathrm{Re}$ and $^{187}\mathrm{Re}$
G. Penyazkov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Effect of the neutron quadrupole distribution in the TaO+ cation
E. Eliav, A. Borschevsky, A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Oleynichenko, U. Kaldor
Relativistic Fock-Space Coupled Cluster Method: Theory and Recent Applications
A. Zaitsevskii, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Oleynichenko, E. Eliav
Generalized relativistic small-core pseudopotentials accounting for quantum electrodynamic effects: Construction and pilot applications
A. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, T. Isaev, R. Berger, A.A. Breier, T.F. Giesen
Accurate ab initio calculations of RaF electronic structure appeal to more laser-spectroscopical measurements
A. Zakharova, A. Petrov
Impact of ligand deformation on the P,T-violation effects in the YbOH molecule
A. Zakharova
Rotating and vibrating symmetric-top molecule ${\mathrm{RaOCH}}_{3}$ in fundamental $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{T}$-violation searches
T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Solovyev, D. Chubukov, S. Chekhovskoi, L. Labzowsky
Alternative interpretation of relativistic time-reversal and the time arrow
T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Glazov, D. Solovyev
Thermal radiative corrections to hyperfine structure of light hydrogenlike systems
Т.А. Залялютдинов, А.А. Аникин, Д.А. Соловьев
D.M. Vasileva, K.N. Lyashchenko, A.B. Voitkiv, D. Yu, O.Yu. Andreev
Resonant elastic scattering of polarized electrons on H-like ions
K.N. Lyashchenko, O.Yu. Andreev, D. Yu
QED calculation of two-electron one-photon transition probabilities in He-like ions
P.-M. Hillenbrand, K.N. Lyashchenko, S. Hagmann, O.Yu. Andreev, D. Banas, E.P. Benis, A.I. Bondarev, C. Brandau, E. De Filippo, O. Forstner, J. Glorius, R.E. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, D.L. Guo, M.O. Herdrich, M. Lestinsky, Yu.A. Litvinov, E.V. Pagano, N. Petridis, M.S. Sanjari, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, M. Vockert, A.B. Voitkiv, G. Weber, T. Stohlker
Electron-loss-to-continuum cusp in collisions of U$^{89+}$ with N$_{2}$ and Xe
K.N. Lyashchenko, V.A. Knyazeva, O.Yu. Andreev, D. Yu
Asymmetry in emission of photons with left- and right-hand circular polarizations in two-photon decay
V.N. Kutuzov, D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, L.N. Labzowsky
P,T-odd Faraday rotation in intracavity absorption spectroscopy with particle beam as a possible way to improve the sensitivity of the search for the time reflection noninvariant effects in nature
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, V.N. Kutuzov, L.N. Labzowsky
$\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}\text{-}\mathrm{odd}$ Faraday rotation in intracavity absorption spectroscopy with a molecular beam as a possible way to improve the sensitivity of the search for time-reflection-noninvariant effects in nature
S.D. Chekhovskoi, D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, L.N. Labzowsky
Photon-spin-dependent contribution to the
-odd Faraday rotation effect for atoms
T.A. Isaev, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A. Oleynichenko, E. Eliav, A.A. Breier, T.F. Giesen, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, R. Berger
Ab initio study and assignment of electronic states in molecular RaCl
D.E. Maison, V.V. Flambaum, N.R. Hutzler, L.V. Skripnikov
Electronic structure of the ytterbium monohydroxide molecule to search for axionlike particles
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Axion-mediated electron–electron interaction in ytterbium monohydroxide molecule
D.A. Maltsev, Yu.V. Lomachuk, V.M. Shakhova, N.S. Mosyagin, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Compound-tunable embedding potential method and its application to calcium niobate crystal ${\mathrm{CaNb}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{6}$ with point defects containing tantalum and uranium
N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Kudrin, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov
Ab initio relativistic treatment of the a3Π−X1Σ+, a′3Σ+−X1Σ+ and A1Π−X1Σ+ systems of the CO molecule
A. Barzakh, A.N. Andreyev, C. Raison, J.G. Cubiss, P. Van Duppen, S. Peru, S. Hilaire, S. Goriely, B. Andel, S. Antalic, M. Al Monthery, J.C. Berengut, J. Bieron, M.L. Bissell, A. Borschevsky, K. Chrysalidis, T.E. Cocolios, T. Day Goodacre, J.-P. Dognon, M. Elantkowska, E. Eliav, G.J. Farooq-Smith, D.V. Fedorov, V.N. Fedosseev, L.P. Gaffney, R.F. Garcia Ruiz, M. Godefroid, C. Granados, R.D. Harding, R. Heinke, M. Huyse, J. Karls, P. Larmonier, J.G. Li, K.M. Lynch, D.E. Maison, B.A. Marsh, P. Molkanov, P. Mosat, A.V. Oleynichenko, V. Panteleev, P. Pyykko, M.L. Reitsma, K. Rezynkina, R.E. Rossel, S. Rothe, J. Ruczkowski, S. Schiffmann, C. Seiffert, M.D. Seliverstov, S. Sels, L.V. Skripnikov, M. Stryjczyk, D. Studer, M. Verlinde, S. Wilman, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Large Shape Staggering in Neutron-Deficient Bi Isotopes
A. Kruzins, V. Krumins, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov
Fourier-transform spectroscopy and relativistic electronic structure calculation on the c3Σ+ state of KCs
M.Y. Kaygorodov, L.V. Skripnikov, I.I. Tupitsyn, E. Eliav, Y.S. Kozhedub, A.V. Malyshev, A.V. Oleynichenko, V.M. Shabaev, A.V. Titov, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Electron affinity of oganesson
V.V. Baturo, P.M. Rupasinghe, T.J. Sears, R.J. Mawhorter, J.-U. Grabow, A.N. Petrov
Electric-field-dependent $g$ factor for the ground state of lead monofluoride, PbF
E. Tiesinga, J. Klos, M. Li, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova
Relativistic aspects of orbital and magnetic anisotropies in the chemical bonding and structure of lanthanide molecules
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, В.А. Клемешев, А.В. Титов
Квантово-химическое исследование кластеров
X@BikPbm, BikPbm∙X,
X@SbkSnm и SbkSnm∙X Clusters
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова, М.Е. Бедрина, А.В. Титов
Квантово-химическая модель кластера минимального размера в ксенотиме
S.D. Prosnyak, L.V. Skripnikov
Effect of nuclear magnetization distribution within the Woods-Saxon model: Hyperfine splitting in neutral Tl
L.V. Skripnikov, D.V. Chubukov, V.M. Shakhova
The role of QED effects in transition energies of heavy-atom alkaline earth monofluoride molecules: A theoretical study of Ba+, BaF, RaF, and E120F
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A.V. Zaitsevskii, D.E. Maison, A.E. Barzakh
Relativistic Fock space coupled-cluster study of bismuth electronic structure to extract the Bi nuclear quadrupole moment
L.V. Skripnikov
Approaching meV level for transition energies in the radium monofluoride molecule RaF and radium cation Ra+ by including quantum-electrodynamics effects
A. Zakharova, I. Kurchavov, A. Petrov
Rovibrational structure of the ytterbium monohydroxide molecule and the P,T-violation searches
A. Zakharova, A. Petrov
$\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{T}$-odd effects for the RaOH molecule in the excited vibrational state
K. Gaul, M.G. Kozlov, T.A. Isaev, R. Berger
Chiral Molecules as Sensitive Probes for Direct Detection of $\mathcal{P}$-Odd Cosmic Fields
K. Gaul, M.G. Kozlov, T.A. Isaev, R. Berger
Parity-nonconserving interactions of electrons in chiral molecules with cosmic fields
R.F. Garcia Ruiz, R. Berger, J. Billowes, C.L. Binnersley, M.L. Bissell, A.A. Breier, A.J. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T.E. Cocolios, B.S. Cooper, K.T. Flanagan, T.F. Giesen, R.P. de Groote, S. Franchoo, F.P. Gustafsson, T.A. Isaev, A. Koszorus, G. Neyens, H.A. Perrett, C.M. Ricketts, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, A.R. Vernon, K.D.A. Wendt, F. Wienholtz, S.G. Wilkins, X.F. Yang
Spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules
Т.А. Исаев
Прямое лазерное охлаждение молекул
Yu. Lomachuk, D. Maltsev, N.S. Mosyagin, L. Skripnikov, R.V. Bogdanov, A.V. Titov
Compound-tunable embedding potential: Which oxidation state of uranium and thorium as point defects in xenotime is favorable?
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, V.V. Flambaum, M. Grau
Search for CP-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment using the LuOH+ cation
N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov
Generalized relativistic effective core potentials for superheavy elements
A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, E. Eliav
Towards High Performance Relativistic Electronic Structure Modelling: The EXP-T Program Package
A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, E. Eliav
Relativistic Fock Space Coupled Cluster Method for Many-Electron Systems: Non-Perturbative Account for Connected Triple Excitations
A.V. Oleynichenko, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Zaitsevskii, E. Eliav, V.M. Shabaev
Diagonal and off-diagonal hyperfine structure matrix elements in KCs within the relativistic Fock space coupled cluster theory
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov
Energy levels of radium monofluoride RaF in external electric and magnetic fields to search for $P$- and $T,P$-violation effects
I.P. Kurchavov, A.N. Petrov
Calculation of the energy-level structure of the ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$ cation to search for parity-nonconservation effects
M. Li, J. Klos, A. Petrov, H. Li, S. Kotochigova
Effects of conical intersections on hyperfine quenching of hydroxyl OH in collision with an ultracold Sr atom
H. Li, S. Jyothi, M. Li, J. Klos, A. Petrov, K.R. Brown, S. Kotochigova
Photon-mediated charge exchange reactions between 39K atoms and 40Ca+ ions in a hybrid trap
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, V.A. Klemeshev, A.V. Titov
Three-Center Bonds in closo-Sb2Sn10 Clusters
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, A.V. Titov
Modeling the Structure of Endohedral Eu@C60 and (Eu@C60)2 Metallofullerenes
R.V. Popov, V.M. Shabaev, D.A. Telnov, I.I. Tupitsyn, I.A. Maltsev, Y.S. Kozhedub, A.I. Bondarev, N.V. Kozin, X. Ma, G. Plunien, T. St\"ohlker, D.A. Tumakov, V.A. Zaytsev
How to access QED at a supercritical Coulomb field
L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
Actinide and lanthanide molecules to search for strong CP-violation
S.D. Prosnyak, D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov
Hyperfine structure in thallium atom: Study of nuclear magnetization distribution effects
V. Fella, L.V. Skripnikov, W. Nortershauser, M.R. Buchner, H.L. Deubner, F. Kraus, A.F. Privalov, V.M. Shabaev, M. Vogel
Magnetic moment of $^{207}\mathrm{Pb}$ and the hyperfine splitting of $^{207}\mathrm{Pb}^{81+}$
T. Fleig, L.V. Skripnikov
P, T-Violating and Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions in Atomic Thallium
L.V. Skripnikov
Nuclear magnetization distribution effect in molecules: Ra+ and RaF hyperfine structure
E.A. Bormotova, A.V. Stolyarov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Ab initio study of R-dependent behavior of the hyperfine structure parameters for the (1)1,3Σ+ states of LiRb and LiCs
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien
Nuclear Spin-Dependent Effects of Parity Nonconservation in Ortho-H2
A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Oleynichenko, E. Eliav
Finite-Field Calculations of Transition Properties by the Fock Space Relativistic Coupled Cluster Method: Transitions between Different Fock Space Sectors
V. Krumins, A. Kruzins, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, A. Pashov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov
The branching ratio of intercombination A1Σ+∼b3Π→a3Σ+/X1Σ+ transitions in the RbCs molecule: Measurements and calculations
S.V. Kozlov, E.A. Bormotova, A.A. Medvedev, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, A. Zaitsevskii
A first principles study of the spin–orbit coupling effect in LiM (M = Na, K, Rb, Cs) molecules
A. Zakharova, S. Semenov, M. Bedrina, A. Titov
Quantum-Chemical Study of Yb@ C 60, Yb@ B 2 C 58, and Gd@ B 3 C 57 Molecules
A.V. Zakharova, M.E. Bedrina
A quantum chemical study of endometallofullerenes: Gd@ C 70, Gd@ C 82, Gd@ C 84, and Gd@ C 90
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky
On the Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron: P-, T-Odd Faraday Effect on a PbF Molecular Beam
K. Gaul, S. Marquardt, T. Isaev, R. Berger
Systematic study of relativistic and chemical enhancements of $\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd effects in polar diatomic radicals
A.V. Kudrin, A. Zaitsevskii, T.A. Isaev, D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov
Towards the Search for Thallium Nuclear Schiff Moment in Polyatomic Molecules: Molecular Properties of Thallium Monocyanide (TlCN)
M.V. Makarova, S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, A.V. Titov
Quantum-Chemical Modeling of the First Coordination Sphere of the Metal Cation in Monazite
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, A.E. Buzin, A.V. Titov
Structural Parameters and Electron Transfer in Ytterbium, Lutetium, and Cerium Compounds with Hydrocarbon Monocycles
I.A. Maltsev, V.M. Shabaev, R.V. Popov, Y.S. Kozhedub, G. Plunien, X. Ma, T. St\"ohlker, D.A. Tumakov
How to Observe the Vacuum Decay in Low-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, V.V. Flambaum
Theoretical study of $^{173}\mathrm{YbOH}$ to search for the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov
Interference between the E1 and M1 Amplitudes of the Transition from the H State to C of a ThO Molecule
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, V.N. Kutuzov, S.D. Chekhovskoi
Evaluation of the $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect in Xe and Hg atoms
W. Nörtershäuser, J. Ullmann, L.V. Skripnikov, Z. Andelkovic, C. Brandau, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. König, F. Kraus, B. Kresse, Y.A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maass, J. Meisner, T. Murböck, A.F. Privalov, R. Sanchez, B. Scheibe, M. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, V.M. Shabaev, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, R.C. Thompson, C. Trageser, M. Vogel, J. Vollbrecht, A.V. Volotka, C. Weinheimer
The hyperfine puzzle of strong-field bound-state QED
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, V.N. Kutuzov, S.D. Chekhovskoi, L.N. Labzowsky
Optical Rotation Approach to Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron
D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, D.A. Glazov
Many-body study of the $g$ factor in boronlike argon
L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$ as a candidate to search for the nuclear weak quadrupole moment
A. Znotins, A. Kruzins, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, A. Zaitsevskii
Fourier-transform spectroscopy, relativistic electronic structure calculation, and coupled-channel deperturbation analysis of the fully mixed $A^{1}{\mathrm{\Sigma}}_{u}^{+}$ and $b^{3}{\mathrm{\Pi}}_{u}$ states of ${\mathrm{Cs}}_{2}$
E.A. Pazyuk, V.I. Pupyshev, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Stolyarov
Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules in an Adiabatic Approximation
M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, S.Yu. Yanson, E.V. Fomin, A.V. Titov, A.V. Grebeniuk, Yu.S. Polekhovsky, R.V. Bogdanov
Uranium as a possible criterion for the hydro-chemical alteration of betafite
M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, R.V. Bogdanov
Nuclear Chemical Effects in the Paragenetic Mineral Association Based on Polycrase

Saint Petersburg State University
M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, R.V. Bogdanov
On the feasibility of determining the 230Th activity in minerals without the addition of a Th radiotracer

Saint Petersburg State University
M. Hosseinpour Khanmiri, D. Goldwirt, N. Platonova, S. Janson, Yu. Polekhovsky, R.V. Bogdanov
On the identification of Ti-Ta- Nb-oxides in “wiikites” from Karelia.

Saint Petersburg State University
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky
$\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday rotation in heavy neutral atoms
A.A. Bondarevskaya, D.V. Chubukov, E.A. Mistonova, K.N. Lyashchenko, O.Yu. Andreev, A. Surzhykov, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien, D. Liesen, F. Bosch, T. Stöhlker
Considerations towards the possibility of the observation of parity nonconservation in highly charged ions in storage rings
Yu. Demidov, A. Zaitsevskii
Adsorption of the astatine species on a gold surface: A relativistic density functional theory study
T.A. Isaev, R. Berger
Towards Ultracold Chiral Molecules
Ю.В. Ломачук, Ю.А. Демидов, Л.В. Скрипников, А.В. Зайцевский, С.Г. Семенов, Н.С. Мосягин, А.В. Титов
Расчет химических сдвигов рентгеновских эмиссионных спектров ниобия в оксидах ниобия(V) относительно металла
A. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, S. Romanov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Global and local approaches to population analysis: Bonding patterns in superheavy element compounds
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
Evaluation of $\mathit{CP}$ violation in ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$
A.N. Petrov
Systematic effects in the ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$-ion experiment to search for the electron electric dipole moment
V.V. Baturo, I.N. Cherepanov, S.S. Lukashov, A.N. Petrov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov
Hyperfine coupling of the iodine ${\boldsymbol{D}}{0}_{{\boldsymbol{u}}}^{+}$ and β 1 g ion-pair states
S. Lukashov, A. Petrov, A. Pravilov
The Iodine Molecule: Insights into Intra- and Intermolecular Perturbation in Diatomic Molecules
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, А.В. Титов
Квантово-химическое исследование молекул C60Cl30, C60(OH)30 и эндокомплекса Fe@C60(OH)30
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, В.А. Клемешев, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическое исследование оксидных кластеров ниобия и тантала M4O10 и анионов M4O10–
Журнал общей химии, 88, 4, 534-538 (2018)
М.В. Макарова, С.Г. Семенов, Р.Р. Костиков
Квантово-химическое исследование кислотности производных ацетилена и 1,2-дигидробакминстерфуллерена

Saint Petersburg State University
В.М. Шахова, С.Г. Семенов, Ю.В. Ломачук, Ю.А. Демидов, Л.В. Скрипников, Н.С. Мосягин, А.В. Зайцевский, А.В. Титов
Химический сдвиг K$\alpha$1- и K$\alpha$2-линий рентгеновского эмиссионного спектра фторидов Yb(II)/Yb(III): Квантовохимическое исследование
V. Shakhova, S.G. Semenov, Yu. Lomachuk, Yu. Demidov, L. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.D. Kudashov, A. Titov
Chemical shifts of Kα1 and Kα2 lines in X-ray emission spectra of Yb(II)/Yb(III) fluorides: A quantum chemical study
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien
Nuclear spin-independent effects of parity nonconservation in molecule of hydrogen
A.J. Geddes, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Borschevsky, J.C. Berengut, V.V. Flambaum, T.P. Rakitzis
Enhanced nuclear-spin-dependent parity-violation effects using the $^{199}\mathrm{HgH}$ molecule
S. Schmidt, J. Billowes, M.L. Bissell, K. Blaum, R.F.G. Ruiz, H. Heylen, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, G. Plunien, S. Sailer, V.M. Shabaev, L.V. Skripnikov, I.I. Tupitsyn, A.V. Volotka, X.F. Yang
The nuclear magnetic moment of 208Bi and its relevance for a test of bound-state strong-field QED
L.V. Skripnikov, S. Schmidt, J. Ullmann, C. Geppert, F. Kraus, B. Kresse, W. Nörtershäuser, A.F. Privalov, B. Scheibe, V.M. Shabaev, M. Vogel, A.V. Volotka
New Nuclear Magnetic Moment of $^{209}\mathrm{Bi}$: Resolving the Bismuth Hyperfine Puzzle
A. Arslanaliev, H. Kamada, A. Shebeko, M. Stepanova, H. Witala, S. Yakovlev
Applications of the Kharkov potential in the theory of nuclear forces and nuclear reactions
A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Kudrin, A.V. Oleinichenko, E. Eliav, A.V. Stolyarov
Electronic Transition Dipole Moments in Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Theory: the Finite-Field Method
A. Zaitsevskii, E. Eliav
Padé extrapolated effective Hamiltonians in the Fock space relativistic coupled cluster method
M.I. Skriplev, R.V. Bogdanov, L.R. Schwink
Non- identical thermochemical behavior of 234U-and 238U- isotopes in metamict britholite

Saint Petersburg State University
D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, O.Yu. Andreev, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien
Effects of parity nonconservation in a molecule of oxygen
D.V. Chubukov, L.N. Labzowsky
$\mathcal{P},\mathcal{T}$-odd Faraday effect in intracavity absorption spectroscopy
T.A. Isaev, A.V. Zaitsevskii, E. Eliav
Laser-coolable polyatomic molecules with heavy nuclei
Yu.V. Lomachuk, D.A. Maltsev, Yu.A. Demidov, N.S. Mosyagin, L.A. Batalov, E. Fomin, R.V. Bogdanov, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov
Calculations of Chemical Shifts of X-ray Emission Spectra and Effective States of Nb Atom in the Niobates
I.V. Abarenkov, V.A. Fedorova, D.A. Maltsev, A.V. Titov
Valence Electronic Structure of CaNb2O6 Crystal with Embedding Potential Method
N.S. Mosyagin
Generalized relativistic effective core potentials for lanthanides
A. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii
Projection population analysis for molecules with heavy and superheavy atoms
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Zeeman interaction in the $^{3}\mathrm{\Delta}_{1}$ state of ${\mathbf{HfF}}^{+}$ to search for the electron electric dipole moment
A. Petrov, C. Makrides, S. Kotochigova
Laser controlled charge-transfer reaction at low temperatures
A.N. Petrov
Rabi frequency of the $H^{3}\mathrm{\Delta}_{1}$ to $C^{1}\mathrm{\Pi}$ transition in ThO: Influence of interaction with electric and magnetic fields
M. Li, A. Petrov, C. Makrides, E. Tiesinga, S. Kotochigova
Pendular trapping conditions for ultracold polar molecules enforced by external electric fields
J.F.E. Croft, C. Makrides, M. Li, A. Petrov, B.K. Kendrick, N. Balakrishnan, S. Kotochigova
Universality and chaoticity in ultracold K+KRb chemical reactions
S.G. Semenov, M.E. Bedrina, A.V. Titov
Моделирование координационной сферы иона металла в кристаллах со структурой флюорита
Журнал общей химии, 87, 11, 1928-1931 (2017)
С.Г. Семенов, А.В. Титов
Валентность атома и индексы связей в релятивистской теории электронной структуры химических соединений
Журнал общей химии, 87, 10, 1757-1758 (2017)
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, М.В. Макарова, А.В. Титов
Квантово-химическое исследование эндокомплекса Fe@C60
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина
Квантово-химическое исследование молекул (μ-оксо)бис[фталоцианинатогаллия(III)] и (μ-оксо)бис[перфторфталоцианинатогаллия(III)]
V.M. Shakhova, Yu.V. Lomachuk, Yu.A. Demidov, L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov
Chemical shifts of X-ray emission spectra and effective states of ytterbium in fluorides: embedded cluster modeling of YbF2 and YbF3 crystals
L.V. Skripnikov
Communication: Theoretical study of HfF+ cation to search for the T,P-odd interactions
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
Enhanced effect of $CP$-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment in a ${\mathrm{HfF}}^{+}$ molecule
L.V. Skripnikov, D.E. Maison, N.S. Mosyagin
Scalar-pseudoscalar interaction in the francium atom
A. Zaitsevskii, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Stolyarov, E. Eliav
Approximate relativistic coupled-cluster calculations on heavy alkali-metal diatomics: Application to the spin-orbit-coupled ${A}^{1}{\mathrm{\Sigma}}^{+}$ and ${b}^{3}\mathrm{\Pi}$ states of RbCs and ${\mathrm{Cs}}_{2}$
E.V. Puchkova, R.V. Bogdanov, R. Gieré
Redox states of uranium in samples of microlite and monazite

Saint Petersburg State University
Ю.А. Демидов
Квантовохимическое моделирование электронной структуры соединений сверхтяжелых элементов
T.A. Isaev, R. Berger
Polyatomic Candidates for Cooling of Molecules with Lasers from Simple Theoretical Concepts
Ю.В. Ломачук
Метод расчета химических сдвигов рентгеновских эмиссионных спектров
N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Generalized relativistic effective core potentials for actinides
V.V. Baturo, I.N. Cherepanov, S.S. Lukashov, A.N. Petrov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov
Near-resonant rovibronic Raman scattering from 0g+ (bb) valence state via the D0u+ ion-pair state in iodine molecule
R. Roy, R. Shrestha, A. Green, S. Gupta, M. Li, S. Kotochigova, A. Petrov, C.H. Yuen
Photoassociative production of ultracold heteronuclear ${\mathrm{YbLi}}^{*}$ molecules
M.V. Makarova, S.G. Semenov, O.A. Guskova
Computational study of structure, electronic, and microscopic charge transport properties of small conjugated diketopyrrolopyrrole-thiophene molecules
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, Н.В. Егоров
Квантовохимический расчет спектроскопических и фотоэлектронных свойств [n]стаффанов
Журнал общей химии, 86, 12, 2006-2012 (2016)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическое исследование бис- и тетракисфталоцианинатов лютеция и иттербия
Журнал общей химии, 86, 11, 1873-1877 (2016)
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическое исследование фторидов иттербия и комплекса F2YbF2CeF2
Журнал общей химии, 86, 6, 881-886 (2016)
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, Н.В. Егоров, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическое исследование фталоцианинатов лютеция, иттербия и гадолиния PcLnCl
Журнал общей химии, 86, 5, 833-839 (2016)
L.V. Skripnikov
Combined 4-component and relativistic pseudopotential study of ThO for the electron electric dipole moment search
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
LCAO-based theoretical study of PbTiO3 crystal to search for parity and time reversal violating interaction in solids
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Reply to the Comment on "Theoretical study of thorium monoxide for the electron electric dipole moment search: Electronic properties of $H^3\Delta_1$ in ThO"
A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Chemical bonding and effective atomic states of actinides in higher oxide molecules
A. Zaitsevskii, Yu. Demidov, N.S. Mosyagin, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
First Principle Based Modeling and Interpretation of Chemical Experiments on Superheavy Element Identification
R.V. Bogdanov, R.A. Kuznetsov, E.V. Puchkova, E.E. Prudnikov, V.N. Epimahov, A.V. Titov
The Geoceramics Based on Apatite ORE Tailings as Matrices for Immobilization of Sr-Cs-fractions of HLW

Saint Petersburg State University
R.A. Kuznetsov, N.V. Platonova, R.V. Bogdanov
A polyphase geoceramic matrix for joint immobilization of the strontium-cesium and rare earth fractions of high-level waste

Saint Petersburg State University
Yu. Demidov, A. Zaitsevskii
A comparative study of molecular hydroxides of element 113 (I) and its possible analogs: Ab initio electronic structure calculations
Yu.A. Demidov, A. Zaitsevskii
Chemical Pseudo-Homologues of Superheavy Element 113
T. Maier, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, A. Frisch, S. Baier, K. Aikawa, L. Chomaz, M.J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, C. Makrides, E. Tiesinga, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova
Emergence of Chaotic Scattering in Ultracold Er and Dy
A. Frisch, M. Mark, K. Aikawa, S. Baier, R. Grimm, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, G. Quéméner, M. Lepers, O. Dulieu, F. Ferlaino
Ultracold Dipolar Molecules Composed of Strongly Magnetic Atoms
A. Dunning, A. Petrov, S.J. Schowalter, P. Puri, S. Kotochigova, E.R. Hudson
Photodissociation spectroscopy of the dysprosium monochloride molecular ion
A.N. Petrov
ac Stark effect in ThO ${H}^{3}{\mathrm{\Delta}}_{1}$ for the electron electric-dipole-moment search
C. Makrides, J. Hazra, G.B. Pradhan, A. Petrov, B.K. Kendrick, T. González-Lezana, N. Balakrishnan, S. Kotochigova
Ultracold chemistry with alkali-metal--rare-earth molecules
W. Dowd, R.J. Roy, R.K. Shrestha, A. Petrov, C. Makrides, S. Kotochigova, S. Gupta
Magnetic field dependent interactions in an ultracold Li–Yb( 3 P 2 ) mixture
A. Petrov, C. Makrides, S. Kotochigova
Magnetic control of ultra-cold 6 Li and 174 Yb( 3 P 2 ) atom mixtures with Feshbach resonances
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова
Квантовохимическое исследование эндокомплексов Ca@C60 и Sc+@C60 в газовой фазе и в пиридине
Журнал общей химии, 85, 4, 648-653 (2015)
С.Г. Семенов, В.М. Шахова, М.В. Макарова
Квантовохимическое исследование структуры ионных комплексов металлов I и II групп с ксеноном и криптоном
Журнал общей химии, 85, 4, 540-546 (2015)
М.В. Макарова, С.Г. Семенов
Оценка оптической активности многоатомных молекул методами DFT
Журнал общей химии, 85, 3, 514-515 (2015)
М.В. Макарова, С.Г. Семенов
Квантовохимическое исследование барбаралона в синглетном и триплетном состояниях
Журнал общей химии, 85, 3, 425-430 (2015)

Saint Petersburg State University
М.В. Макарова, С.Г. Семенов, Р.Р. Костиков
Квантово-химическое исследование этинилфуллеренов
Журнал органической химии, 51, 2, 283-286 (2015)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова
Квантово-химическое исследование диэтинильных производных додекаэдрана и бакминстерфуллерена в вакууме и тетрагидрофуране
Оптика и спектроскопия, 118, 1, 50-53 (2015)

Saint Petersburg State University
В.М. Шахова, С.Г. Семенов, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическое исследование молекулы пентафторбензоата пентафторфенилксенония(II) в свободном состоянии и в ацетонитриле
Журнал общей химии, 85, 12, 2088-2089 (2015)
В.М. Шахова, С.Г. Семенов, А.В. Титов
Квантовохимическая оценка релаксации равновесной структуры при радиохимических реакциях иодсодержащих молекул и ионов
Журнал общей химии, 85, 10, 1630-1636 (2015)
L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, R.J. Mawhorter, A.L. Baum, T.J. Sears, J.-U. Grabow
Further investigation of $g$ factors for the lead monofluoride ground state
L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
TaN molecule as a candidate for the search for a T,P-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Theoretical study of ${\mathrm{ThF}}^{+}$ in the search for $T,P$-violation effects: Effective state of a Th atom in ${\mathrm{ThF}}^{+}$ and ThO compounds
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Theoretical study of thorium monoxide for the electron electric dipole moment search: Electronic properties of H3Δ1 in ThO
E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Stolyarov, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber
Laser synthesis of ultracold alkali metal dimers: optimization and control

Moscow State University
A. Zaitsevskii
Plutonium and transplutonium element trioxides: molecular structures, chemical bonding, and isomers
A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Polyaev, Yu.A. Demidov, N.S. Mosyagin, Y.V. Lomachuk, A.V. Titov
Superheavy Element Chemistry by Relativistic Density Functional Theory Electronic Structure Modeling
M. Deminsky, S. Adamson, I. Chernysheva, N. Dyatko, A. Eletzkii, I. Kochetov, A. Napartovich, E. Rykova, L. Sukhanov, S. Umanskii, A. Zaitsevskii, D.J. Smith, T.J. Sommerer, J. Costas, B. Potapkin
Comparative nonempirical analysis of emission properties of the Ar–MeI n glow discharge (Me = Ga, Zn, Sn, In, Bi, Tl)

Moscow State University
Ю.А. Демидов, А.В. Зайцевский
Моделирование химических свойств сверхтяжелых элементов 'острова стабильности'
Известия Академии наук. Серия химическая, 63, 8, 1647-1655 (2014)
Yu. Demidov, A. Zaitsevskii, R. Eichler
First principles based modeling of the adsorption of atoms of element 120 on a gold surface
A.D. Kudashov, A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, T.A. Isaev, R. Berger, A.V. Titov
Ab initio study of radium monofluoride (RaF) as a candidate to search for parity- and time-and-parity--violation effects
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, N.R. Hutzler, P.W. Hess, B.R. O'Leary, B. Spaun, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, J.M. Doyle
Zeeman interaction in ThO $H^{3}{\Delta}_{1}$ for the electron electric-dipole-moment search
P. Puri, S.J. Schowalter, S. Kotochigova, A. Petrov, E.R. Hudson
Action spectroscopy of SrCl+ using an integrated ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer
A. Frisch, M. Mark, K. Aikawa, F. Ferlaino, J.L. Bohn, C. Makrides, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova
Quantum chaos in ultracold collisions of gas-phase erbium atoms
A. Khramov, A. Hansen, W. Dowd, R.J. Roy, C. Makrides, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, S. Gupta
Ultracold Heteronuclear Mixture of Ground and Excited State Atoms
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина, В.А. Клемешев, М.В. Макарова
О спиновых заселенностях и свободных валентностях в возбужденных молекулах и радикалах
Оптика и спектроскопия, 117, 4, 534-543 (2014)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова
Квантово-химическое исследование продуктов и гипотетических интермедиатов дегидробромирования бромбульвалена в фуране
Журнал органической химии, 50, 7, 1021-1023 (2014)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова
Квантовохимическое исследование таутомеров восстановленных форм антрахинона
Журнал общей химии, 84, 5, 750-754 (2014)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.В. Макарова
Квантовохимическое исследование α-диазокарбонильных производных бульвалена и родственных гетероциклических соединений
Журнал органической химии, 50, 3, 450-452 (2014)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина
Квантовохимическое исследование интермедиатов фотогенерации 1О2, сенсибилизированной бакминстерфуллереном, и сопутствующих фотохимических реакций
Оптика и спектроскопия, 116, 2, 190-196 (2014)

Saint Petersburg State University
С.Г. Семенов, М.Е. Бедрина
Квантово-химическое исследование структуры додекасилсесквиоксана H12Si12O18

Saint Petersburg State University
L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
$CP$-Violating Effect of the Th Nuclear Magnetic Quadrupole Moment: Accurate Many-Body Study of ThO
L.V. Skripnikov, A.D. Kudashov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov
Search for parity- and time-and-parity--violation effects in lead monofluoride (PbF): Ab initio molecular study
A.V. Titov, Yu.V. Lomachuk, L.V. Skripnikov
Concept of effective states of atoms in compounds to describe properties determined by the densities of valence electrons in atomic cores
A. Zaitsevskii, W.H.E. Schwarz
Structures and stability of AnO4 isomers, An = Pu, Am, and Cm: a relativistic density functional study
А.С. Минкин, А.В. Зайцевский, С.А. Круглов, Н.С. Марченков, А.В. Поляев
Перспективы использования 225Ac в альфа-радиоиммунной терапии злокачественных новообразований
Медицинская физика, 1 (61), 42-50 (2014)
R.V. Bogdanov, M.I. Skriplev, A.A. Petrunin, A.V. Titov
The thermochemistry of uranium and cerium in native britholite
A.A. Rusakov, Yu.A. Demidov, A. Zaitsevskii
Estimating the adsorption energy of element 113 on a gold surface
Yu.A. Demidov, A.V. Zaitsevskii
A comparative study of the chemical properties of element 120 and its homologs
A.D. Kudashov, A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum
Calculation of the parity- and time-reversal-violating interaction in ${}^{225}$RaO
Yu.V. Lomachuk, A.V. Titov
Method for evaluating chemical shifts of x-ray emission lines in molecules and solids
N.S. Mosyagin, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, A.V. Zaitsevskii
Generalized relativistic effective core potential calculations of the adiabatic potential curve and spectroscopic constants for the ground electronic state of the Ca2 molecule
A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, R.J. Mawhorter
Centrifugal correction to hyperfine structure constants in the ground state of lead monofluoride
V.V. Flambaum, Y.V. Stadnik, M.G. Kozlov, A.N. Petrov
Enhanced effects of temporal variation of the fundamental constants in ${}^{2}{\Pi}_{1/2}$-term diatomic molecules: ${}^{207}$Pb${}^{19}$F
A. Petrov, C. Makrides, S. Kotochigova
External field control of spin-dependent rotational decoherence of ultracold polar molecules
L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov
Communication: Theoretical study of ThO for the electron electric dipole moment search
A. Le, T.C. Steimle, L. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
The molecular frame electric dipole moment and hyperfine interactions in hafnium fluoride, HfF
J. Lee, J. Chen, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.E. Leanhardt
Optical spectroscopy of tungsten carbide for uncertainty analysis in electron electric-dipole-moment search
L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov
Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations of spectroscopic and chemical properties for element 120
L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov
Theoretical study of the parity and time reversal violating interaction in solids
A. Zaitsevskii, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, Yu.M. Kiselev
Relativistic density functional theory modeling of plutonium and americium higher oxide molecules
A.V. Zaitsevskii
Molecular anions of uranium fluorides and oxides: First principle based relativistic calculations
A. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov
Interaction of copernicium with gold: Assessment of applicability of simple density functional theories
A.V. Zaitsevskii, A.V. Titov, S.S. Mal'kov, I.G. Tananaev, Yu.M. Kiselev
On the existence of oxide molecules of plutonium in highest oxidation states